Since I blogged a while ago about Graham's first day of Kindergarten, I thought I would blog about Abbie's first day in her 3 year old co-op class. She went last year and was very excited and ready to go back this year. Abbie's good friend Anna is in her class and she absolutely loves her. I didn't take very many pictures, but here are a few:

Abbie's first day (in the parking lot)

walking in (with her princess backpack)

her class (yes there is a boy under the table) Molly is at the other table also.

Mrs. Storms and Abbie at Open House

Abbie was so excited for Molly to dress like her.
Overall Abbie has loved going to "school" again. The biggest difference to me is that she will actually tell me what she did that day. It isn't super detailed but I have been surprised at how much she remembers and how easily she tells me. In other words, I don't have to ask her 50 questions. She is growing and learning more everyday and it is so wonderful to be a part of it.