Today was Graham's first day of 1st Grade! He was absolutely so excited to start back at school. He has been counting down the days for the last few weeks. Graham has such an amazing confidence, I am so proud of him. Marty and I decided to just have Marty take Graham to school, because we knew that Graham would want to just be dropped off at school and not walked into his classroom (just like last year). I have to say I was fine with it until after they left and then I was a little sad to not be there. But it was truly just because of me not wanting to miss anything - Graham was absolutely fine and just so excited to be back at school!
Here he is already to go with his folder, no backpacks this year - which I don't really like.
Abbie telling Graham she is going to miss him while he is at school:)
Molly, Abbie and Graham. As you can tell from the girls still being in their PJ's I wasn't planning on taking a picture of all of the kids but the girls actually asked to take a picture with Graham, which I thought was so sweet.
Marty told me that when Graham was walking into class (from car line) the coach saw him and said "Graham, you look different!" Graham looked at the coach and said "Yeah, because I'm a First Grader now!" Ya, of course that's why! - or it could be Graham's long hair, maybe.
Then after school when Graham was telling me about his day, he told me "mom, I saw how small the kids where in Ms. Sumrall's class (his kindergarten teacher) and I have grown a lot." I guess now Graham's a big 1st grader!
After school we celebrated the first day by letting Graham choose where he wanted to get a snack from - he chose ice cream, of course. So the girls made messes with there cotton candy ice cream (way to sweet in my book) and Graham loved his cake batter ice cream (actually really good).
Graham wasn't up for many pictures, but I got a little smile from him.
Molly and Abbie with mouth wide open for ice cream. I think this is such a funny pic.
I wanted proof that I was there. I am rarely in pictures, so I decided to take it myself with my phone. Didn't even think of having Graham take the pic for me until just now!
Abbie being crazy with her ice cream. You can kind of tell that immediately after this picture big drips of ice cream came out onto her skirt and the floor - maybe not such a good idea to encourage by taking a picture.
I am so excited for all my sweet boy will be learning this year. I know it will be much more work then last year was but the fact that he really does enjoy learning makes it so much fun!