In honor of Father's Day I wanted to write about my dad. My dad is a strong yet gentle man of God. He has always worked hard for his family. Growing up he worked his 8-5 job then came home and fixed whatever needed it, helped with homework, mowed the grass, trimmed the trees, and kept the pool clean. He did most things himself, but also knows when to hire someone to do it for you. He also found time to play with us and be part of the church choir. His Godly character definitely showed while my mom was sick. He patiently took care of her when she couldn't take care of her self. I still remember his heartfelt words while my mom was sick. He told me no matter what happens I need to make sure to never blame God and keep my heart open to God. These words definitely meant more since my dad's own mother died suddenly when he was only 17. Both of our losses gave us a sweet connection. It is interesting how my dad and I have had multiple occasions of loss bringing us together. One sweet occasion was being with him and his father when he released his father into Heaven. His father didn't die that day but what sweet words I got to witness! My dad is a dedicated, gentle, kind Christian man. Thanks dad for giving and showing me the most important thing - a love for God!
My dad (when he was 22) getting ready for a date with my mom. My brother looks almost exactly like this now.
Me and my dad with Graham. He was so proud to be here when Graham was born.