But Molly and I had a blast. Molly was so excited to hold a baby chick. She kept asking me when we were waiting for our whole group to get there, "can we go hold the baby chicks now?" (in a impatient and excited voice)
But we didn't start at that, we started at the ducks so she was a bit disappointed. Then she got scared for some reason in the pen. I had turned to pick up a duck and when I turned to show her the duck she was crying - so I only held it for a very short time. And I didn't get any pics of us with the ducks since we got out right away. I did take a picture of the ducks before we went in the pen.
After we saw some llamas and ostriches, we got to hold the baby chicks! Here Molly and her friend Ariah are holding out there hands patiently and excitedly waiting.
We also got to hold a baby duck, but it had something on its beak which made it looked like it was trying to bite you, so of course Molly didn't want to hold it then. Oh well!
We then went to the pig pen and they warned us they might bite at your shoe laces or feet so Molly didn't want that either. It was funny watching some other people though that the pigs were chewing at their shoelaces.
Next we got to see the sheep. Molly absolutely loved the sheep last time so I expected the same, but this time I couldn't even get her to pet one. But Jennie and her daughter Jessie loved petting the sheep:
Then we went into a little house where they have some guinea pigs and birds. The guinea pigs were adorable. This bird was not happy about some of us watching him and kept making a really loud noise and spreading his wings. Guess he wanted us to think he was in charge!
Molly loved getting to ride the horses. Well, only because she felt the peer pressure to ride after her friend Ariah. I like when peer pressure makes your kids do good/fun things!
Molly and her friend playing on the firetruck. Love the way Ariah posed as soon as I said smile for the camera.
She even milked a cow! I was so mad that my picture where you can see that she is actually milking it hides her face. I was so proud of her for trying new things.
I think she loved posing for pictures after all the animals just about as much as the animals. We took lots where you put your head in a circle and some at a butterfly and then even more at these fake horse.
Finally, we got to pick out a pumpkin on our way out. I think this is one of the probably 20 that she picked up. Molly was very serious about which one she wanted, she took a long time to decide which one she wanted. She would never tell me if she wanted small, round, big. I guess she just knew it when she saw it.
It was such a fun day at the farm. I loved getting to have so much time with just Molly. It was our first "field trip" without siblings. Fun and yes kind of sad at the same time!!
oh my word! she is looking so grown up in these pictures :) What a sweet day, just the two of you