Saturday, January 23, 2010

Kite flying - take 2

Many months ago, I blogged about us trying to fly a kite. You can look here if you want. Well, last Sunday afternoon we tried again. This time we used a better kite and it wasn't as windy as last time. We realize now it was way to windy last time and we were using a $5 kite.

We brought lunch and had a picnic on the little trail behind the park. Graham was so funny saying that this was his first picnic. In his mind the other many times we have eaten outside don't count because we weren't all sitting on a picnic blanket in a field:)
Then after that Marty figured out how to get the kite up and keep it up. Then Graham and Abbie both got to fly the kite for a while. Graham especially loved getting the kite up in the air. Abbie preferred to just take it from you once you got it up. But they both did great at keeping it up and both had a blast! Molly never was interested but she watching some and definitely loved the park. My arms were sore the next day from pushing her so much on the swings. It was a perfect day to spend the afternoon outside as a family! We will really have to do this again soon and not wait 9 months like we did last time!

Graham was way to small for this but loved making it hit the ground.

Molly playing peek-a-boo.

Graham once again being silly (and Molly swinging also). Can't believe that my 7 year old still can still fit in the baby swing?!

Graham excited about getting the kite up!

I took this while I was flying the kite.

Everyone watching Abbie.

Abbie flying the kite.

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